Mission Statement of The First Hungarian Reformed Church of Cleveland, Ohio

Our mission is to glorify God, promote Christian fellowship, serve His Church, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone.

Glorifying God is our first purpose in our church. The greatest thing in life is that God loves us, and the greatest thing we can do is to love Him back. It means that we commit ourselves to Him and we live an obedient life. We express that we love God.

Promote Christian fellowship is our second purpose. This basically means that we continue to nurture the love relationship we have for God and His family. The early church is a great example for us in how to live Christian fellowship out according to the will of Christ. Togetherness, loving fellowship characterized the life of the first Christians.

Serve His Church is the third purpose. It simply means using our particular gifts and talents to help others in the name of Jesus. Any time you do that, any time you use your talents, your abilities, your God-given gifts, and your experiences to help somebody else, in the name of Christ, that is ministering. All Christians are called to serve, to minister.

Share the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone is our last, fourth purpose. We are here on earth to serve as God’s ambassadors who first caught His love. Our privilege and responsibility is to share our faith in Christ with others.

May God bless us as we fulfill our mission given by Christ.